1997 Connecticut, United States
1998 West Yorkshire, England
1999 Hyogo, Japan
2001 Tokyo, Japan
2002 Saitama, Japan
I enjoy designing, taking photos, singing and many others. I am very much an animal lover who don’t believe in killing spiders. My greatest strengths are my dedication and diligence. Fluent in both Japanese and English.
I’d like to think that our biggest challenge as designers is to bring happiness to the world through design. This is why I have the swallow in my logo. The flowing lines are from my family crest which represents my last name Ogawa, meaning “stream”. It flows continuously just like me: always moving forward and going ahead, non-stop.
In Japan, swallows represent good harvest and happiness. It is said that if they nest in the eaves of your house, success, happiness, and protection are assured.
Water is a representation of life itself. Stream where water run continuously, everything flows and moves on towards the river, then to the vast sea.
The numerous folded lines on the paper created in the process of Origami shows the amount of perseverance and soul that was poured into the final piece.
1997 Connecticut, United States
1998 West Yorkshire, England
1999 Hyogo, Japan
2001 Tokyo, Japan
2002 Saitama, Japan
Specialization in English
High School diploma
Associate in Science / New Media Arts, Interface Design
GPA 3.95
・Nella Media Group
・Clarence Lee Design
check out my portfolio here